Boost Your Business on LinkedIn | Tips and Strategies

How to Get New Clients & Build Your Network with LinkedIn

Hey everyone! I just hosted an amazing episode of my podcast Getting It Wrong To Get It Right all about using LinkedIn to boost your business. Here are some key takeaways:– Consistency is key when it comes to creating content on LinkedIn.– Build your network with meaningful contacts, not just competitors.– Your LinkedIn profile is foundational and important, and having a well-crafted one can make a huge difference in job searches, finding business partners, or new clients.– Understand the interconnectivity of tech companies to protect your private information and use platforms in a positive manner.– Businesses need to adapt to changing market needs and be essential to survive.– Multipurposing your content is important to reach your audience on different platforms.Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the full episode on my podcast! #business #linkedin #entrepreneurship #podcast #marketing #digitalmarketing #contentcreation

Interview Tanscript

Joe Dalton [00:00:06]:

Kim, once again, as the intro said, you have been on the show before and we have come very good friends and have spoken about a many thing that’s not LinkedIn over the years. And welcome back to Dublin South FM. Welcome back.

Kim [00:00:25]:

Thanks. Thank you. It’s really good to be back. I hopped on the radio web page before we got on this morning and took a look and I think my profile picture is from I don’t even know when. It’s been a while. It’s been a while. But our paths crossed initially on LinkedIn and have kept track over one another for the past few years and a lot has happened. It’s been interesting, but glad to be back.

Joe Dalton [00:00:49]:

Do that. Brainstorming. The brainstorming.

Kim [00:00:52]:

The brainstorming. It’s an ever evolving the machine is ever evolving and ever changing and you just want to be one step ahead of the algorithm. Use the machine, don’t let the machine use you.

Joe Dalton [00:01:04]:

Yes, as I would say, you’re a LinkedIn influencer and I know that you don’t like that word influencer, but to say it anyway quarter of a million people now, would it be? Quarter of a million?

Kim [00:01:19]:

Yeah, a quarter of a million people. And honestly, it is not because of my brilliant pros or anything of that nature. It is because of timing and consistency. And that was as a result of a number of years ago, after I was developing a new game plan, after surviving the failure of a business, recreating myself on LinkedIn. And I spent about a year and a half writing an article every single day. And that was the timing when LinkedIn and Google and the articles were meshing together beautifully. And if you Googled my name at that time, I came up page one, two and three in Google because of the LinkedIn articles. And the LinkedIn articles generated those people. Well, that’s not the case anymore. The focus of LinkedIn has shifted and changed and we could talk about some of those things, but my point here is it’s a matter of picking a lane and going and then being ever mindful of where those opportunities are within the platform because they’re always wanting to get more people there and get more eyeballs there and keep people there. So if you’re doing something to initiate that, then LinkedIn will give you viewership.

Joe Dalton [00:02:39]:

Over the last two years, when everyone was locked down, it was the only shop really in town to trade, so everybody was jumping on LinkedIn and everybody was trying to get their message out there. And Microsoft have purchased LinkedIn as well, which are trying to turn them more into a social platform than a business platform. And there is a divide going on with people on that subject, but with everybody jumping on to the only show in town at the time has made it more complex for people actually to use it correctly or to get business.

Kim [00:03:24]:

Yeah. And something that is foundational, that a lot of people miss and that has changed dramatically just over the past six months is their profile. So now there’s a creator mode, for example, where you can have a live URL directly from your profile. You can be known for certain hashtags, you’re more easily found. That is the foundational aspect, that if you just get that right, then when people are googling you, whether you’re applying for a job or you’re looking for a business partner or a new client, your LinkedIn profile will pop up and it will immediately very clearly convey what it is that you do. So if you’re not going to do content and articles and engagement and all of that, just getting that one piece right can make a huge difference. And just in the past six months, the features there have changed dramatically. And we’re getting a huge uptick in that type of business for people who maybe they’re in this particular business right now, but they want to just kind of have their foot out there. They’re not actively looking for a job, but they certainly want to be found or open the door for people coming to them for opportunities. Right. And that comes with having that profile tightened up.

Joe Dalton [00:04:48]:

We have creator mode on, so we write a monthly newsletter and we’ve only really switched it on ourselves in the last four months. So we’ve completed four and we’re talking to someone who says, oh yeah, most people only write three and give up. And it’s that consistency. But having that on and I was speaking to one of our clients the other day and says, god, Joe, I never see any of your content on LinkedIn. And I go, what? I’m writing something every week on LinkedIn and they go, yeah, I haven’t seen it. So that creator mode is reaching out to a bigger audience. And one of the things that I talk about when I put my clients is and it’s not about having hundreds and thousands of connections, it’s having a small amount of connections that mean something. So stop connecting with your competitor. Connect with only the people that you want to do business with. So the question I’m asking is that even though we have creator mode on, how do we still connect with the people that we wanted to connect to within our own network?

Kim [00:06:04]:

So that’s a really good question. Let me address specifically the newsletter situation. So when you do decide to do a newsletter, the most important thing is that you have your network pre established with the people that you want prior to launching it. Make sure the name is tight because you get one chance the very first time it goes out, it goes out to everybody in your network. That’s the one chance that you get. Then the algorithm is going to take a look at, okay, how many people said yes I want to sign up for this newsletter, then they’re going to decide how many people they show it to afterward. So what will happen afterward? The first one goes out to everyone and then the other one will come up in a notification for people. So maybe they’ll see it, maybe they won’t. It depends on how often they check into LinkedIn. So that’s the newsletter side of things. But in terms of getting in front of the people that you want to get in front of, I am a firm believer in multipurposing things and also not putting all your eggs in one basket in terms of deliverability. So LinkedIn can change the rules anytime in any different capacity. And we do everything from profile upgrades all the way up to paid ads where people are throwing 1020 $30,000 a month at ad campaigns and everything in between events and all that stuff. So there are many different aspects of LinkedIn, but I know that at any given time, they can flip a switch and one is on and one is off, right? So if you’ve taken the time to create this content and deliver value in an article, you need to be doing other things with that. And we talked a little bit about this before we hopped on taking that article and sending it out to your newsletter list, sending it out via email, putting it out on Twitter, putting pieces of it out on Facebook, having the blog on your web page so that there’s a breadcrumb trail and a spider web, if you will. So if they’re not seeing it here, maybe they’ll see it over here, over here, because that leverages your effort and it also puts more control in your hands rather than relying solely on one way to get in front of those people.

Joe Dalton [00:08:20]:

Yeah, it’s repurposing that content. And I do agree we get something out on LinkedIn, but then it’s about emailing people as well, just to let them know, because even though we message people on LinkedIn, they could be getting 50 million messages a day and you get lost in the message. So it’s about emailing them. And even we go to the third level, which is on some cases, if we’re really sort of looking at a client, is actually posting something out to them as well. So we will believe that it’s having three pillars going directly out, no matter what. M like you might have three pillars in one end or switch one or two of them, but it’s having three. Because we’ve noticed that if you have three, the person is coming more aware. And also most people give up after three attempts, so they’ll check with someone. Hello, whatever it may be. Everyone connects with everybody, but then when they do a second message or a tour, it falls off the wagon.

Kim [00:09:30]:

I’m going to share something with you. We were talking before about just kind of shifts in business. I’m going to share something with you that I’ve noticed this year and we have been terrible at. So we have a bunch of prior clients. Did we have a program to reach out to them and just connect and say hi? The answer to that is no, we didn’t. And so what wound up happening this year is we saw that we were getting a lot more client referrals, people were referring us more so without our effort. And I thought to myself, you know, what if we actually put forth an effort to reach out? How are things going? What’s going on? Is there anything I can help you with? Would you like to chat about strategy? And we still aren’t as good at that as we need to be in terms of consistency, and that falls on my shoulders.

Joe Dalton [00:10:23]:

Everything else that you’re doing as well. Another list. I’ve got this. Here, take it.

Kim [00:10:31]:

But those people are already warm. So you get them in with the three pillars and you do great work and you have a great relationship and you work together for however long you work together. But we weren’t doing anything to dig into that. And oftentimes people are always looking for what is the shiny object, what’s the new thing? Who are the new people? But what about massaging those prior clients?

Joe Dalton [00:10:53]:

I would agree because everybody looks at the strategy, connect with someone and then put an offer to them. But you have people in your one connection and some you might have never done work with, but they connected with you two, three years ago, and it’s about just reaching out to them and going, hi, we’ve been connected for a long time. I know. Is there anything I can help you with? And that’s one effort to make it because I think at the moment, the way the world is developing with all the garbage that’s going on, I think it’s getting people are coming, more savvy people’s, time is being exhausted. And we mentioned this before about offering real value. And you said to me, Real value? Is that a word that’s been what.

Kim [00:11:49]:

Is that to you? What does that mean? Because I don’t know about you, but I get hit often with messages on email. Someone found me through LinkedIn and they’re acting like we’re chummy chummy. And when they use words like value to me, clearly they haven’t really done a whole lot of research as to what it is that I would perceive to be valuable.

Joe Dalton [00:12:13]:

What is real value, dan, when you think of real value, what do you think of?

Kim [00:12:20]:

Well, I would like that the person on the other end has done at least a little bit of research as to what it is that I do. Right. So if I hear something like, well, we’re going to increase your leads by 50%, or it’s like, okay, well, you don’t understand what we do. You’re selling a templatized commodity that isn’t really something that’s of interest to me. Now if someone hits me and says, I see that you’re managing a team, you do a lot of this remotely, maybe do you need help with, I don’t even know, payroll or whatever. If they’ve actually put forth a bit of an effort to understand what it is that we do, then that’s great. But everybody wants to scale. And I’ve always said scaling is not a bad thing as long as you’re doing it correctly. Because if you don’t do it correctly, it allows you to fail in mass. If you tick a bunch of people off, I don’t know if you heard about the PayPal situation last week or.

Joe Dalton [00:13:25]:

Two weeks ago, censoring and then they lost millions of people.

Kim [00:13:30]:

They lost like $50 billion. That is an example of failing at scale. We are going to do this thing because we think it’s really great and we don’t really care what you think. So we’re going to go ahead and kick this thing out and massive failure. So you really have to be careful when you’re doing that reach out that you are. And that’s not an exact analogy, but that gives some scope as to what can happen if you’re not paying attention to the individual.

Joe Dalton [00:14:00]:

Yeah, I think with them it was arrogancy being arrogant in their own beliefs. So that is the one thing and can destroy a company. But yeah, I think digital are the world we live in. People think that marketing now is just something you send out and come back. The dirty part of marketing is going on to LinkedIn, finding a person going on, looking at their website, searching to see if when you have that locked, okay, they’re missing something on what they do, what I can help them with. Or you jump on a company and you say it’s a software company, and look at it go, well they do this and then you’ll scroll down and go, we do lead generation of marketing. Go, I’m going to take them off my list because they’re competitors. And it’s that dorty part of marketing that you have to go through, the painstaking part that a company has to go through to really hit the people and speak to the people that they only want to speak to.

Kim [00:15:07]:

And going back to the value, I’ll give you an example of like when I reach out to people on LinkedIn or if they reach out to me and I connect, if there’s something that I see on their profile or on their corporate page, I will give them, hey, here’s a real this happens all the time. Your company page is not correctly set up on your profile. So when people hit you, they’re not going to a company page. Here’s how you fix it. Glad to be connected. That is delivering value. I actually fixed a problem for them before asking them for anything. So to your point, if you’re looking at someone’s web page. They’re a software company and maybe you see there’s something maybe you go to their contact page or whatever top of funnel thing they have on their web page or maybe they don’t even have one. And you reach out and say here’s something that you could do to increase your results.

Joe Dalton [00:16:01]:

Like what we do is even take, we even take a screenshot of their site and we’ll even plant in a landing page on it and saying, have you ever thought about putting something like this in the headline of it? So it’s making that extra effort. But the question then is when you hear about real value and I’m reading a great book at the moment and I’m in great friends with the author as well and we talk about real value and success. So success is me, myself and my ego for where I want to be successful. That he says that if you replace success with value of what value you can bring to the table to change your customers life, then your mindset is focused on the deliverable instead of the ego.

Kim [00:17:03]:

Oh yeah. And that’s the basis. I mean, when you do a strategy for marketing, that is where you start. If you start with success, you’re never going to have a successful campaign or you’re never going to deliver results for your clients. So it always starts with that because at that point then you take sales off the table. Then you’re not selling. And that’s the part of LinkedIn that’s so great. You don’t have to sell, you just have to solve problems. So if you have this problem, I solve that problem. And if you’d like to discuss how I can help you, let’s chat. So if your intention is starting there and then you scale up from there in your messaging and your content and your outreach, then you’re much more likely to attract to you those people of a similar mindset. And you’re avoiding the possibility of failing at scale when you’re just going for the dollars.

Joe Dalton [00:18:02]:

Knowing what you know. Now, would you have done things differently at the very beginning when you decided on this path of LinkedIn? You came from a company that failed. We all have had companies that have failed and we’ve learned probably more from them than anything else. Looking back, would you go, I wouldn’t have wrote a blog every day or I wouldn’t have killed myself for working 18 hours to get to where I am.

Kim [00:18:44]:

I don’t think that I would because I tend to be the type of person that likes to figure things out. I need to know answers and I research things ridiculously. And for whatever reason, the platform, because I got active on LinkedIn prior to the Microsoft purchase and LinkedIn actually reached out to me, encouraging me to this is before LinkedIn even had an app encouraging me and a bunch of other people, not just me, to continue to create content. So in the stumbling and bumbling and work and all of that, I found my way here, which is a business that is designed to deliver extreme value and support to people who really need it. Because we’re really, really good at what we do. But more importantly, it’s a solid business that provides financial security for the people on the team, and they also can work around it. We have single moms that work for us. We have caregivers that work for us. We have people that do their work in the hours that work for them, because that works. And that works for us, because we work with people all over the world. We can be working 24/7, really, if we’re working on a project that’s in the middle of the night with somebody else, that’s totally fine. So all of that stumbling and bumbling and all of that hard work led here. And I never could have created that direct path had I not done the stumbling and bumbling and working and bumping into things. And it continues to this day because.

Joe Dalton [00:20:19]:

Stumbling and bumbling, I’m still stumbling and bumbling. Stumbling and bumbling on LinkedIn.

Kim [00:20:28]:

Stumbling and bumbling your way to success and value. There you go.

Joe Dalton [00:20:34]:

Real value. Yes. Organic. I think LinkedIn offers a better opportunity, it’s extra work reaching out to people organically than any other platform as well. Would you agree or disagree with me or not?

Kim [00:20:50]:

I absolutely agree with that. And there have been many that have tried to knock them off. But they were there first. They did it first. They’ve had products that they’ve tried to offer for sale that really didn’t have the value add that they thought that they did. But what they do have is all of the business professionals all over the globe that is unbelievably powerful, because you can open a door to people that you never would have been able to open a door before.

Joe Dalton [00:21:21]:

LinkedIn two of the things when I say it’s like a rolodex, so treat it as a rolodex. The second one is when you’re reaching out to people, visualize yourself walking into a hotel networking meeting and you’re sort of talking to the person, but they’re not answering because they’re, you know, and sort of have that approach. But what really amazes me about LinkedIn, depending on the trends, they can actually see or forecast what the business trends are around the world, so they’ll be able to know if there’s a recession coming or a country is booming or slowing down by what’s going on on their platform. And that’s what I think amazes me with the information that they have. Yes, facebook are probably very envy, because if Facebook was to get 75 or $150, I don’t know what it is, depending if your legacy or sign up new it’s client paying that amount. So there’s probably maybe about 40% of the whole regime is paying X amount for them. Navigator facebook would have loved to do that.

Kim [00:22:38]:

Oh, yeah. Plus they’re going after dollars. They’re going after fortune dollars. So if you have Johnson and Johnson or whomever who throws $50,000 at paid ads a quarter. And then you also have your sales team of 5000 people, each of whom have Sales Navigator, then you have your recruiting team that all have recruiter or.

Joe Dalton [00:23:03]:

Recruiter, then your training programs as well, your courses.

Kim [00:23:07]:

You’re talking serious money at that point. And then they’ve also scooped up the little guys too.

Joe Dalton [00:23:12]:

So it was really and stuff as well. And that’s where it is that I think they have to have it because their people are paying monthly. I think they have to allow people to reach out organically because no, like LinkedIn now you write something on LinkedIn, it doesn’t go anywhere. I’m not LinkedIn Facebook, you write something and it goes out to six people and you have to pay to get it out to everyone. I think LinkedIn are kind of going, we can’t really do that if someone is paying us 75 or 125, whatever it may be, as paying as a cost a month. And I think that’s the advantage. And I’ve also noticed that if you are on Navigator, the algorithm favors you with your reach of your post than if you’re just a normal LinkedIn.

Kim [00:24:05]:

And LinkedIn is always trying to stay one step ahead of the bots. So it is a dance between we want to encourage people to be on LinkedIn as long as possible. We want those eyeballs there as long as possible, but we want to discourage any third party software activity. And so many people have done that, whatever it is, $50 a month, and they hook up a machine to your and LinkedIn will shut you down and no discussion or anything, you’re just gone. And a lot of people don’t understand, well, that’s your name that you’re talking about. And when someone Googles you, LinkedIn generally is going to pop up one, two or three. So you have to really guard that very tightly. So it’s always a dance between we don’t want people to be spammy, but we do want people to connect. So to your point Joe, having Sales Navigator, they’re going to let you reach out to more people because you’re making the investment. Hopefully you’re not making the investment and then turning it over to a machine, although some people do. And then they’re also paying attention to who’s connecting back with you because they want to show you more people like that. If these are the people that are connecting with you, why don’t you connect with this person? This person and this person who are similar to this person. Also, if you like this piece of content, then maybe you’ll like this piece of content and that piece of content. Now, I will also say that LinkedIn will push what LinkedIn wants to push, as all the platforms do. And we are aware that that is what they do. And that is how it is. So you have to play the game and say, if you see something in your feed, for example, hey, guess what? I don’t want to see this. I am not interested in this at all. I’m here to do business. And that’s what I want to see. Thank you very much. So you can teach the algorithm to show you the things like what I said when we first started out. Use the machine, don’t let the machine use you.

Joe Dalton [00:26:03]:

So if you see a post on Cats, you can actually click on LinkedIn and go, I don’t want to see posts on Cats.

Kim [00:26:10]:

In the upper right hand corner of every post, there are three little dots, and you can click on there and you can say, unfollow this person, or I don’t want to see this content. You can report the content or whatever, but generally speaking, it’s something that’s just like, okay, I don’t have time for this. So then what will happen is the algorithm will become trained and start to show you those things that you do want to see and get rid of all the junk.

Joe Dalton [00:26:36]:

I don’t know. I think I’m on LinkedIn since 20 I don’t know how long is LinkedIn gone? 2014? Is it really 2018?

Kim [00:26:44]:

I don’t even know. Something like that.

Joe Dalton [00:26:47]:

I think I celebrated my twelve birthday or something, and then I signed up to it. But I said her algorithm knows everything about me at the moment, which is also then worrying.

Kim [00:26:59]:

It’s crazy. I have had so many things with Inter. I don’t know if I told you this or not. I had a thing where I had a couple of team members working in G Suites. We have our emails on G suite. So I had them in my account. Two people sending out emails, and one person was able to get in, the other person was not able to get in. And she confirmed, she said, Is this your password? Yeah, that’s my password. I haven’t changed it. So she tries to do it three times, and she gets a message that says, kim, sign into YouTube and then give us code on YouTube because Google owns YouTube. So even though it was my correct password, it was saying, no, stop. You’ve got to now go over here and give us this code that we’re giving you over here. In order to unlock that, you will see more and more and more and more of that. The interconnectivity of these various tech companies and being aware of how all of that works is very important to protect the information that is private to you and to also use these platforms in ways that are good rather than not so good.

Joe Dalton [00:28:13]:

I think it’s really a case of they use it security, but they don’t want anyone else using your account in your company. They wanted to be authentic, which is.

Kim [00:28:29]:

Understandable, but there’s just some underlying this is connected to that that you may not necessarily think, but it really is. It’s just things to be aware of.

Joe Dalton [00:28:40]:

Again, I’ll jump back and say, if people just look at LinkedIn as a rolodex, as a diary and treat it that way and there is the graft that you need to do, there’s nowhere to way around it. Unless you do decide to go with these bots, which can end up disasters because you’ll end up sending stuff off to people who are irrelevant to what you’re trying to do.

Kim [00:29:03]:

You know what though? That particular project, what that was is there was somebody who was keeping track of all of the layoffs, lots of layoffs. They will continue, they will expand and that will be happening for a while. So we created a product and a discount for people who had just been laid off. And so we had their email address and the email was hey, if you are looking to get some help on LinkedIn, here is some help. Here is like I mean we gave them like a ton of how to just free just here you go, here it all is. And if you need help, if you want someone to help you with writing or whatever, here’s a discount code because we know you’ve just been laid off and here you go. That is what we did. So that was absolutely directly to some person that we were seeing as potentially needing our help. We gave them a huge thing of value for free and we also gave them a discount. That’s how we used it. So that is a really good way if you really know your market and you really know your offer to be able to go out. And that’s what that particular program was for. So we would never do anything that was just a blast randomly. And actually we’d never done anything like that before. We just saw that this was kind of an unprecedented time.

Joe Dalton [00:30:23]:

But LinkedIn, everyone talks about, my God, the spammy messages hello, connect. And then suddenly you get the three page document on us and you kind of wonder okay, I see that, I ignore it. But I wonder is their hit rate better? They must be getting if they keep on doing it, surely their hit rate is probably paying off.

Kim [00:30:50]:

I don’t know. I do know I’ve seen some case studies of companies that do that. They do the automated email outreach and I have to say I’ll give them credit for creating copy. That is compelling because a lot of that is very important. It needs to be short, sweet to the point, but really kind of tying in with what I was just talking about, about the people that were laid off. If you know that you have something that is really helpful to someone who is in the market for it, that’s very different than trying to cast a wide net saying hey, we. Do web pages, you need a web page. Call me today and I’ll do a web page. You know what I’m saying?

Joe Dalton [00:31:32]:

It’s like when you do a webinar and then you go back and you look at all the people that had signed up to the webinar and then you look at Tudor accounts and you’ll see marketing agency, sales agency, and you go, well just write them off because they’re the competitors looking at what we’re doing.

Kim [00:31:54]:

Yeah, targeting really important. And that’s another point with regard to the word scale, are you scaling correctly or are you just randomly throwing things out there to get numbers?

Joe Dalton [00:32:10]:

So the question then we’re coming back to is real value. So that word value can be used in the wrong way. However, from myself toward when I think of real value, it’s how we really can step within an organization and the real value is their customer. So marketing is about not getting a client to sign up. Marketing is about how that person will feel after they’ve gone through the process of working with you. So the real value is how do we get clients to have that epic feeling of working with you? And that’s what I believe real value is. And then use that to drive a business forward.

Kim [00:33:06]:

Yes, because that then generates repeat customers and referrals. That then generates, depending on what you do, longer client retention. So you’re not always seeking new clients, but it is finding that right balance. What does the market need now? What are the things that I do? I mean we saw a lot of that over the past two years where businesses that were nonessential, right, they had to figure out ways to be essential and they did. And they figured out ways to, okay, we used to sell like this, we used to do everything in person. Now we’re going to reel it back and we’re going to do some things online, right? That’s an example of saying, okay, well we did deliver value and we did do these things, but now the world has changed and so now we need to do those things. So a lot of companies are doing that. I’ll give you an example of a company that we worked with, roofing company. So they did commercial roofs as well as residential roofs. Well then you do business where you’re chasing storms, right. Things happen and you do repairs of things of that nature. But how can we get residual income? Well, if you purchase this package where we come out quarterly and we inspect your roof and we look for any issues that could potentially be problematic, we can fix them right up front. They cost whatever it costs per year and you’re going to wind up saving money in the long run because your overall damage is going to be less. Whatever. Okay, that was an example of a company that used to do a pay per service, but then they turned it into a residual. So getting savvy and really think about where the market is, what it is that you do, and how you can adapt to what people need now has really been a game changer for a lot of industries.

Joe Dalton [00:35:03]:

When you talk about roofing companies and it’s B to C, a lot of people will think that’s Facebook.

Kim [00:35:09]:

No, it was b to b. Commercial, big as well as residential, but mostly commercial.

Joe Dalton [00:35:15]:

But when you think of roofing, they’ll think Facebook. It’s like I was saying to one of our clients who’s in the construction business, I said, look, you’re a painter and decorator. Remember, most of your clients will probably be on LinkedIn, and they may need painting for their own house. So don’t come up with a strategy that can actually connect with those people who are in work known that they need painting. And if you can do something on LinkedIn and you’re in their area because you’ve done proper targeting through Navigator, you might get a couple of clients out of it. And people don’t. They think, oh, it’s all business to business, but I need logs, or I need a painter. And that’s a part of it that I don’t think that’s been utilized either is actually that secondary subconscious mind, and that person that goes, we need something. We need a holiday, we need a holiday. So we’re using that.

Kim [00:36:19]:

A vacation home, or jewelry or Tiffany Chanel, they’re all over LinkedIn, so you can definitely cross the B to C, B to B line, and then it also gives your brand just more visibility across platforms, and that’s harder to really track ROI. Where did they see us? Maybe they saw us on Twitter and on LinkedIn. And I still get a ton of views from a speech I did back in 2019 that’s on YouTube and never how strange. We don’t really do anything to promote that, but we still get a lot of people that come in. So the more placeholders you have in different areas, the more likely you are to pick up clients as a result.

Joe Dalton [00:37:05]:

Okay, so my last question. What in your research now? Because we know that you’re a great grace at researching, and I have to say that when I ask you something, normally you go, Where did you find that out? What are you noticing now within the marketplace, and what do people need now? Before you answer that, the research that we’ve done within, say, tech companies, that they need help with their client acquisition. So that is basically being able to bring that value and get people to come in. Okay, that’s what we’re finding. What are you finding yourself?

Kim [00:37:50]:

So I agree. Wholeheartedly two sides are what I’m seeing. Okay? So one side is the companies who have deep pockets, they have a lot of cash. They haven’t had time to do branding, web page upgrades, outreach, networking. And now that they can take a breath because things are slowing down, they’re going to throw some cash at that. The bigger companies with bigger projects, we’re seeing that. We’re also seeing on the other side, whatever it is that people do, it has to be attached to generating income. So that’s to your point of creating that consistent sales funnel, because there are companies that have been in existence at a time where cash was flowing, things were great, everything’s fine, and all they have to do is hold out their hand and business comes flying in. And that is not the world that we live in now. So if you do not have a solid funnel structure game plan that you’re using to get leads in the door, you are in a very serious situation. I’ve got a call later today with a buddy of mine who’s been in real estate for over 20 years, and we’ve done a number of transactions together and he knows the gig and he works for a very large real estate organization. And he said, Kim, according to the president of our company, 91% of all agents that are in the market today have never worked with an interest rate over 4%, or for houses being on the market over 45 days, 91%. What are those guys going to do? They don’t know how to do the work necessary to be able to get over a hump. Right. And that’s the case. To your point about the tech companies, various software companies, they don’t they need the tools. Exactly. So we’re seeing the same thing.

Joe Dalton [00:39:57]:

I was speaking to someone and they said to me, said, what we learned in the that helped us true business was forgotten about over the last ten years or so, or 20 years.

Kim [00:40:13]:

It’s been like 40 years, 50 years of just cash and more cash and easy cash and low interest rates and boom, boom, boom. Everything’s just going, it’s easy, easy. And now we’re getting into you’re going to need to be savvy, you’re going to need to be scrappy, you’re going to need to look at things differently.

Joe Dalton [00:40:34]:

It’s a bit of hustle.

Kim [00:40:36]:


Joe Dalton [00:40:39]:

Kim if people want to reach out to your fine self and connect with you I’m not going to say LinkedIn. You probably have everyone on LinkedIn that listens to this.

Kim [00:40:49]:

Anyway, there’s always room for more. Yeah on LinkedIn. It’s Kim Petersonstone. Our web page is linkability us and people can get I mean, we have hundreds and hundreds of how to blogs and insights, and if people want to get their hands dirty and dig in and learn, there’s a ton of resources there. But if you have questions for me directly, just reach out to me on LinkedIn.

Joe Dalton [00:41:15]:

Kim thanks for coming on –  What if you could have a sustainable business without the liquidity concerns and make your company more profitable? Curious. Check out our tried and tested proven client acquisition formula. Go to www.joeDalton.Ie and book your free consultation now.

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