Mind Over Matter: Maximizing Brain and Body Performance

In the latest episode of Getting it Wrong to Get it Right, the speaker shares insights on sleep, positive thinking, and community-building that will surely leave an impact on you. Here are the 3 key takeaways:

1. Our power lies in truly believing in ourselves and taking action.

Mere wishful thinking doesn’t make things happen.

2. Poor sleep can be due to a lack of peace of mind caused by anxiety and worry about the past, present, and future.

3. Mindfulness towards our actions and being mindful of what we tell ourselves about our abilities can lead to positive change in our lives.

Listening to this episode can help you build a better version of yourself, get better sleep, and strengthen your community. Don’t miss it


Show Transcribe

Johann Callaghan [00:01:58]:

What is there, not enough of? Well, it’s different for everybody, Joe, and.

Joe Dalton [00:02:04]:

It’s but I’m asking for you and.

Johann Callaghan [00:02:06]:

Not everybody personally, what do you think.

Joe Dalton [00:02:08]:

There’S not enough of?

Johann Callaghan [00:02:09]:

What do I think there’s not enough of? Well, I could say for me personally, what is there not enough of? There is not enough. That’s a very difficult question. For me personally, I could say time. But time is the same for everybody. Isn’t the same amount of time every single day? Was there not enough of? Just not enough love, I think, and connection.

Joe Dalton [00:02:39]:

Yeah. Just before we came on air, we spoke about the amount of fear that goes on in the world as well. So we could talk about then consciousness and the different levels of consciousness. And people can either live in fear or love.

Johann Callaghan [00:02:56]:


Joe Dalton [00:02:56]:

And negativity is a place where fear hangs around, and when you get into more positivity, that’s where love is. So if there’s not enough love in the world, what are we going to do about it?

Johann Callaghan [00:03:14]:

Yeah, that’s a really great question, because there’s only love. And even in decision, the decisions that we make on a daily basis. They’re all based around fear or love. And that is something that I learned over to my whole course of finding myself, if you like, in personal development, is when I’m making decisions because they’re not always right and they don’t always serve me. And I think when I do make a decision that I think that it served me, but it could be ego or it could be a fear of something that caused me to make that decision. And this is true for everybody as well. So when we make decisions from a place of love, there’s no fear, obviously. And we’re aligned with our heart, what it is that we truly want.

Joe Dalton [00:03:58]:

Yeah. And sometimes people miss what love is. Some people think love is sex. Some people think romantic is romantic. Some people visualize lust with us and whatever, but it’s not. Love is the essence that we hold within.

Johann Callaghan [00:04:20]:

Yeah. It’s like sexual desire. And it’s in the book Tink and Grow Rich to talk about the sexual desire. And it’s so much more than that. It’s what gives you the energy that drives you forward, your passion. That the heart’s desire. And it is real. It’s very real. That when we have that sexual desire for whatever it is that we want.

Joe Dalton [00:04:43]:

In life, if you put it to it’s creativity. And one of the things where if you get in an organization and where people are working together to create something and if there’s people there, sometimes an affair breaks out of it because they’ve missed the signals for being creative into something else, where it’s that energy is flown in to make the project creative, but they get lost in it.

Johann Callaghan [00:05:12]:

Yeah. To be able to see the bigger picture and outside of the box from the normal. What we’re used to seeing the comfort zone, staying in that area of what we’re used to showing up, but thinking big and having that uncertainty and to feel safe in that uncertainty because that’s where the new opportunities arise and the new, the innovation, the creativity.

Joe Dalton [00:05:34]:

So is that awareness then, is the whole thing that I’m, as you know, I think we know each other a while now that I’m starting to understand that the true gift that we can offer humanity is self awareness.

Johann Callaghan [00:05:49]:

Yeah, it’s consciousness, definitely, because we live for many of us, we live in our subconscious world, the subconscious mind. We talk about the conscious mind, the subconscious mind. And for many of us, we live the majority of our lives in our subconscious. This is our record and our automatic program. And we talk about this all the time, how we’re programmed throughout life. And it takes an effort to operate from the conscious mind, from the this is where we’re aware, the self awareness. It takes an effort, a willingness to be aware, and it takes a lot of energy to be conscious as well. But the more we ask questions. Why did I do that? I think this is what’s missing for many people, is to ask ourselves questions. These are like empowering questions or powerful questions that we can discover something new about ourselves, why we did something, why we just did something, and how we are repeating the same thing and expecting a different result. Whereas if we ask ourselves, how can I do this differently? How can I achieve the result that I want? By asking ourselves questions. But we don’t. We just automatically do.

Joe Dalton [00:06:57]:

Do people continue on in that loop of repeating the same thing and getting the same results? Now, we know that Albert Einstein said that’s a sign of madness.

Johann Callaghan [00:07:10]:


Joe Dalton [00:07:10]:

But I’m guessing we all do it in different parts of our lives, and.

Johann Callaghan [00:07:17]:

It serves us sometimes.

Joe Dalton [00:07:19]:

Yeah, it serves us. What is it? 90% of us humanity keep doing the same thing. And what’s popped up in my head? We talk about this, but then if you look at the political parties in Ireland, right, and you have the three main ones in government at the moment, and people give out about them, but people keep still voting them in. So are we just in that loop of doing the same thing as a sign of madness?

Johann Callaghan [00:07:51]:

And here’s something as well. When you talk to a government and all of that, I’m very ignorant to a lot of what’s going on with the government a lot of time. I just don’t want to know because it doesn’t make sense. But here’s what a lot of people do, is they judge and complain, right? And that’s focusing on what they’re not doing instead of, okay, well, what can we do as people, as the grassroots movement, if you like, right? We hear a lot about grassroots movements, but we have a lot of power as individuals as well. And we can come together as community, and there’s more power in community as well. But what we got to be aware of is when we’re complaining or bitching or gossiping, it’s one thing my father always said to me, always hated the gossiping, because it’s just negative energy. You’re focusing on that energy spreads. It does move and you attract how you are being and your vibration. We talk about all of that. So we got to be mindful. If we’re complaining or judging somebody, ask yourself, well, what can I do? What can I do?

Joe Dalton [00:08:51]:

Consciousness creates matter.

Johann Callaghan [00:08:53]:

It does. And that came before matter. Yeah, you’re right. It creates matter.

Joe Dalton [00:09:00]:

So if we’re looking then going back to there’s not enough love, and we’ve established that it’s all about communities and it’s about our neighbors and about us helping each other. And you mentioned the word they’re grassroots as well. How do we solve it? What are we going to do about it? How are we going to go as collectively, as community based to go, let’s have that conversation.

Johann Callaghan [00:09:39]:

There’s power in numbers, for sure. Just power and numbers for sure. And this is why it is so important that we need to come together. Forget about all the disagreements, the arguments we might have difference of opinions or whatever. So that’s okay. But when it comes to being argumentative and watching the ego right? We have to get on well together and connect with each other and see each other’s point of view from where the other person is standing. Because we all have our own different points of view, right? And we all have our own paths that create a reality for most people, right? And we can change that as well. That’s another story. But I think if we come together from the heart, what it is that we truly want, if we’re coming from a place of not being afraid of what could happen catastrophizing because that’s what we do as human beings, right? We’re wired that way to be prepared and this is what the subconscious mind does for us, right? And sometimes it serves us, it stops us from walking out in front of that bus, right? But we got to come together and put aside all the judgments and Putting other people down and Trying to be better than the other person and comparing ourselves this is what’s dividing us, Joe, all these things, because we want to be better than the next person. So what does that say about us as individuals? Many of us are insecure and there’s been a lot of fear that’s been put into our lives to make us feel insecure. So our automatic reaction for survival is to be the Best, to stand out as to be the Best. We want to be the Best, whereas we’re all equal if we see ourselves all as equal and we’re all cohabing this world together and it’s in all of our interests to create a Peaceful, Harmony, harmonious World. Now Everyone wants to have world Peace, right? And it seems like such a big Shot, but it starts off in small pieces and then it gels together and it gets bigger and bigger and top of community society but it is Possible, but I think community is so strong that we have a very strong community and that’s where it will Start.

Joe Dalton [00:11:40]:

Yeah, I would agree. And going back to the individual and with the people that you work with and the people that you speak to on a daily basis. And I know you’re very much kind of helping people have a good night’s sleep. But a good night’s sleep is only efficient if they know what’s going on in their day to day process and how to deal with it. So if looking back over the years that you have been in business and the years that you’ve helped people, what would you say are the three top things that affect people from having a peaceful Good night’s Sleep and a good life?

Johann Callaghan [00:12:22]:

Yeah, so that’s a great Question, Joe, because I’ve had many people come to me and they’ll say, I can’t sleep at night or something wrong with my sleep. And what I’ve identified, Joe, and even after I wrote the book, what I’ve identified is in the majority of cases, so many people have stress. Now, stress is a big word, right? It can boil down to lots of different things. But ultimately, what I help people have is peace of mind. Peace of mind so that they can sleep well at nighttime. So what’s there for people that they don’t have peace of mind? And what are the three top things that I’m seeing? Well, one of the biggest things that I’m seeing, Joe, is at nighttime, when people put their head down on the pillow, they’re exhausted, they’re tired, they’re ready to go asleep. But as soon as they put their head down on that pillow, the head is just filled, filled with thoughts, right? I should have done this, I should have done that. I could have done this, should have could have water, all that stuff. Yeah, shouldn’t all over the place. Rice and beating ourselves up. Anxiety, worries about tomorrow. What’s going to happen? How am I going to pay the bills? So we’re living in the past, we’re making ourselves depressed, we’re not good enough, right? I couldn’t do this, I couldn’t do that. Pressing ourselves. And then the anxiety, which is really based on in the future, that the worry, the concerns. Right. What’s going to happen, the uncertainty. That’s one of the biggest things that I’m finding. People are having issues with sleeping well at nighttime.

Joe Dalton [00:13:53]:

That would be future pacing and worried about future pacing. And like for myself, when I have to go to sleep at night, I usually put a headphone in into my ear and I listen to a podcast. I listen to it, 5 seconds later, I’m out cold. And the reason I do it, I’m trying to educate myself. I kind of believe when your subconscious things are still feeding into your brain and one of the things that switches off everything else, that I’m only just focusing. So it’s like a meditation, really focus on the one thing and that helps me sleep.

Johann Callaghan [00:14:29]:

Yeah. That’s brilliant.

Joe Dalton [00:14:31]:

I got to ask you, if someone has suddenly switches their thoughts late at night, and when they’re late at night, just before they go asleep, they’ve thought of something positive, would they wake up in the morning feeling positive and then the anxiety jumps in? Or if they think negativity and they fall asleep with negativity the minute they wake up, that negative taught us right away there as well.

Johann Callaghan [00:14:56]:

Yeah, that’s brilliant. I love that. There’s two of the best times you talked about a type of meditation, right. And there’s two of the best times that you can do that, and it’s when you’re falling asleep at nighttime and first thing in the morning when you wake up, because this is when you’re most suggestive or suggestible, too, because we have our brainwaves, and our brainwaves go through different states. And during the daytime we’re in that basa, like right now, the moment me and you’re in that basa brainwave, we’re talking, we’re having a conversation, right? Then there’s the alpha, which is where we get all nice and relaxed and we start to get sleepy. And then there’s the taser, or taser. And this is where when you say you have your headphones on, it’s going straight into your subconscious. So the logic brain is disconnected and it’s basically reprogramming. So if you play like positive affirmations, say, obviously you’re doing your education so you can focus on that and it goes in a lot easier and it will stick a lot easier. So when you’re doing the positive when you’re talking about if you do something positive or negative if you do something positive, that is going right into your subconscious. Because a lot of people talk about positive thinking and what have you. But if you’re doing positive thinking and the conscious brain here is taking it in and you’re repeating and repeating and you’re trying to create that new habit forming, it’s not going through to your subconscious where it’s actually recorded. So you’re having to do a lot of positive thinking all the time. Whereas if you’re doing it when your brain waves are low, when your brain waves are down to alpha and taser, where your brain is more suggestible, it goes right in there and it overwrites the old program. So this is why at nighttime when you’re going to bed and first thing in the morning, why that can be so, so powerful. And then the opposite is true. If you have a negative thought when you’re going to bed at nighttime, that will go in, it causes stress. And we know stress increases cortisol, increases your blood sugar. And this is the very thing that causes most people to wake up during the nighttime is the cortisol and the blood glucose levels in the blood. A lot of people don’t know that, but even having a negative talk can do that and prevent you from having your deep restorative repair and sleep. I could talk about that topic for ages, Joe, but that’s ultimately what’s happening.

Joe Dalton [00:17:08]:

Yeah, I think I’m blessed. Once I fall asleep, I’m gone. I could sleep in the boot of a car if we need, we hope. I never do. And I think you’re right about that. It’s about those triggers that’s happening in.

Johann Callaghan [00:17:22]:

The mind when you understand that. And people will go, oh, wow, because that’s the easiest way to do it. Rajam because a lot of people talk about positive talk and it’s not as effective, right, because it needs to go right into the subconscious mind. And there’s something else I was going to say now as well gratitude. This is why doing gratitude at nighttime is very important as well, because you’re combining the thoughts with the emotions as well. So that’s going right into the subconscious and the feelings as well. So gratitude is another powerful thing that you can do three things that you’re grateful for or three great things that you did today that will help to raise your vibration, lower your stress levels, and help you sleep deeper as well. So that’s something else.

Joe Dalton [00:18:03]:

Do you know what else as well? For some reason, we all go through life and we shallow breed. We don’t take those deep breaths in. But if you take those breaths in and actually then fill your heart with the love of your day, your gratitude, your kids, whatever it may be, you’re not only putting that into your mind, but you’re feeding that into every cell in your body and then trying to go to sleep. And I think that cortisone buzz.

Johann Callaghan [00:18:37]:

You’re breathing in life and you’re accepting. You’re accepting when you breathe it in fully, you’re breathing in. You’re accepting that you’re allowing it to come in.

Joe Dalton [00:18:47]:

A lot of people just go to life like our lungs are like this, where we should be breathing. Bring that in. And Joan, you mentioned as well. Tink and grow rich. And I’ve read a book a couple of times, and there’s stuff in it that I disagree with. What is real desire and is desire something separating from what we want, but what we actually know what we need? And that whole process of changing our thoughts and everyone thinks differently, so we all see the world to our own eyes, completely different but positive affirmations, where people will keep saying, I’m doing this, I’m doing this, but they’re still not getting the success that they want. Is that because the subconscious mind is still triggering even though they have the affirmations and they’re dancing around the garden? How do they overcome that?

Johann Callaghan [00:19:45]:

That’s brilliant, Joe. That’s absolutely it. And you mentioned about the burn desire in that book, tink and Grow Rich, and for a long time I was very confused with that because on the scale of consciousness, the map of consciousness, desire is down very low. And I couldn’t understand that. Right, here’s the thing about desire and wanting to overcome something and the positive thinking, right? So you have a desire to overcome an obstacle in your life or whatever, and you’re telling yourself positive things about it to help you overcome it. But if you don’t believe it, you’ve got to believe it. Like, right down to your core, you’ve got to really believe it. And that involves emotions. So you’ve got to feel what that would feel like if you had that, if you actually achieved that, whatever it is, and imagine what that would be like, and feel the feelings and that will help you. Whereas desire with no action and just saying the words over and over again, it’s like wishful thinking but not taking an action and not really believing it.

Joe Dalton [00:20:48]:

Next question is if, say, someone, they know they want this. So I’m not even going to desire or whatever. They set this intention, right?

Johann Callaghan [00:21:01]:


Joe Dalton [00:21:01]:

So what makes you believe that you want it? So I could say, I want a Land Rover now. I would like a Land Rover. Do I need one? No, but I would like one. So what makes me get to believe or someone out there will say, I want a house, or someone out there will say, I want a partner that loves me, or whatever, what is it that gets them to make them believe that it’s going to happen? So there’s the gap between wanting and then there’s like a river and then the belief. How did they brilliant. How did he get that?

Johann Callaghan [00:21:46]:

That’s brilliant. I think, Joe, what it is, obviously, you’ve got to believe it. So why would you believe, I think is your question. I think you got to know that you’re worthy of receiving us, that you deserve it. So a lot of people want X, Y, and Z or whatever, but they don’t feel that they’re good enough to receive us.

Joe Dalton [00:22:05]:

Because even gratitude, I could not really understand or feel gratitude for what I have and what I wanted, and there was the gap there. And that’s why it’s coming up, is because it took me a while to understand what gratitude is, because people saying, be grateful for this, be grateful to get like a broken record. It’s not really working. What is gratitude?

Johann Callaghan [00:22:35]:

I’m doing it wrong.

Joe Dalton [00:22:36]:

I’m doing it wrong. I’m gratitude. I’m doing all the gratitude stuff. I think it’s that you said it there being Wardy. I think it’s the part that you have to kind of go celebrate your wins already. And by celebrating your wins and being grateful for those small things, then it helps the muscle mind prepare yourself for future gratitude.

Johann Callaghan [00:23:07]:

Yeah. Because you’re bringing your vibration up. So if you’re, like, down in the dumps and you’re trying to do this positive affirmations or gratitude or whatever, by doing gratitude, it helps to raise the vibration up. So now you’re in a better place to do the exercises. And I remember a coach telling me that before, and I was like, oh my God. Yeah. So it’s like another way around it. You have to raise your vibration up, first of all, so that you can receive it in then. And it’s just fascinating, Joe, I think how the body and the mind works and this energy, this whole energy, because we are energy. We’re energetic human beings.

Joe Dalton [00:23:47]:

Yeah. You’re spot on. And when someone then comes to you and going, can’t sleep, what is the sort of that process that you kind of go, okay, you’re wardy, you’re great, you’re enough, you have everything. How do you help them let it go so they can then move forward?

Johann Callaghan [00:24:09]:

So that’s a great question. And what I do, Joe, is I ask them to tell me about their day, and I listen to them, and I listen to what they’re saying and how they’re saying it, but more importantly, what they believe. What they believe. Because I remember I did a webinar with somebody, and I was doing a one to one with them in a group coach, and they said to me, don’t know what it is, Joanne, but I just can’t sleep at night. I wake up at 03:00 every single night. And he was very adamant and very strong about this and what have you. And I said, well, I said, well, I’m not surprised. I said, do you know your brain believes everything you tell us? You’re to tell in your brain, there that I can’t sleep at nighttime, and I wake up at 03:00 every single morning. And I said, Be careful what you’re telling your brain. Yeah, be careful what you’re telling your brain, because your brain believes everything that you’re telling us. It’s just crazy. It’s just crazy. And just simple little things like that that we need to be aware of. We need to be conscious of these things, how we work. But that’s something that I find stop saying I can’t do this. Stop saying, I can’t do that. Right. And put something else in place. What can you do? What do you do? Well, when it comes to sleeping at nighttime, yes.

Joe Dalton [00:25:28]:

It’s like I can have an example of that where I used to I’m tired. Oh, I’m tired. And I used to be knackered. And for American audience, knackered is a dead horse voice in air languages.

Johann Callaghan [00:25:43]:

Very tired.

Joe Dalton [00:25:44]:

Very tired. So I used to say, I’m tired, and then I realized, stop saying that word. Stop saying the word. I can’t. So we need to be careful. Are you saying, then, that we need to be careful with the language that we use subconsciously in our mind on a day to day basis?

Johann Callaghan [00:26:07]:

Absolutely. Because a lot of this is about the mind as well. What we think, what we believe. Obviously, it’s to do with how we’re living our life as well, and the stress. And we have stress from all sorts in our environment. Right. Including our thoughts. Joe Dispenza talks about this all the time. And Bruce Lipton, your thoughts create your reality, but it actually creates a physiology in your body.

Joe Dalton [00:26:29]:

Yeah. The one thing with Joe Dispenza, I don’t know how he does three hour meditation. I could do a tree hour meditation in the morning if I had no kids. Obviously, you have a nanny. Joe, we love you. Joe, we love you, though. But how do we train our minds? For me, I use the example I’ve said it in many shows, just stuff that’s in my head. I’m picking it out like a two pick at the moment. But how do we train our minds not to say I can’t or I’m tired. So it changes the energy inside, because someone could be happy go lucky singing grateful, and they still in the external world, everything’s grand, but internally or in their life, they could be. There’s so many yeah.

Johann Callaghan [00:27:27]:

They don’t realize they’re even experiencing stress. Had a lady come to me at an expo, and this was a few years ago, and she said to me now, she said, Joanne, I’m not stressed. I’m not stressed at all. She said to me, but I just can’t sleep at nighttime. And I was like, I didn’t know where to start or to be honest with you, well, you are stressed. It’ll be an argument, because sleep is a natural process. It’s a natural process. So there’s something in the way to relax in the nervous system. And this is all there is. We’re in two states during the daytime we’re active, and at nighttime we’re relaxed and we’re in. And when we talk about the nervous system, there’s two parts to it. There’s the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. So we want to activate the parasympathetic and we want to be doing it a lot during the daytime as well. Obviously we want to be doing it at nighttime or when we’re winding down for sleep. But we want to exercise this switch in between these two nervous system states. So we want to take regular rest during the daytime. And when you talk about meditating for 3 hours, I say to people, when you slow down and take more rests and rest can appear to be rest is not just taking a nap. Rest can be going for a leisurely walk or reading your book or just sitting down having a cup. It’s a rest from a certain activity, right, that rejuvenates you or gives you back a bit of energy. But I say to people, the more you take rests and take breaks, the more you actually get done. You actually get more work done because you get it done quicker. You’re more focused, you’re concentrating, you’re not as easily distracted, and you get more done, and you’ve got a more field of fulfillment and accomplishment. So I say to people, take more rest during the daytime, but there’s lots of things that we can do to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. So it’s this vagus nerve. It’s the longest cranial nerve that runs right through the body. And if we can practice activating that during the day, one of the things to activate your vagus nerve is to sing a song. Do you feel good when you sing a song? Like put on your favorite tune. I love listening to the 80s music. And I turn that on and I’m dancing around the kitchen or whatever, and I’m as happy as Larry. That’s reducing my stress. It’s activating my parasympathetic nervous system. So we need to exercise activating our parasympathetic nervous system during the day, even if it’s just for five minutes or even just 30 seconds.

Joe Dalton [00:29:53]:

But what about phones? When people go to bed and they switch on their phone and the bright light goes. Into their eyes, does that not create something within them as well that signals their brain? It’s. Morning.

Johann Callaghan [00:30:10]:

Joe. It’s absolutely huge. And I have a pet. Hey, I really have a pet. I could talk about this for three errors, right? But mobile phones, look, they’re grace, they have their purpose, but we’re abusing them, if you like. Right? We’re not using the right times and we’re not using at the wrong times and for the wrong length of time as well. So you’re right. The blue light on the mobile phone, the sunshine, the daylight has, if it rains and the sunlight goes through the raindrops, it creates a rainbow. So it breaks down all the different colors of the white light from the sun. So in that is blue light. And blue light is what tells our system and every single cell in our body that it’s daytime. So we operate with this circadian rhythm, this 24 hours cycle, and all of our cells, our hormones, our digestive system, our sleep patterns, that all is influenced by this circadian rhythm. And that’s what has us be healthy, right? Perform an optimally all our cells perform an optimally but when we’re using the mobile phone at nighttime, there’s a couple of things going on. First of all, the blue light, it’s confusing our body. Our body still thinks it’s daytime, so it’s going to stop melatonin, which is our sleep hormone. And we need our sleep hormone to sleep, right? So it stops the sleep hormone. And then when we’re on the mobile phone as well, there’s another thing that’s happening. It’s creating dopamine. So dopamine is the excitement neurotransmitter in our brains, what’s keeping our brain active? And we spoke about the brainwaves earlier on, we want the brainwaves to slow down should that’s not happening. If you’re hooked on your mobile phone and this is why we say, oh, I’m just going on for two minutes to check something on, 30 minutes later we’re down the rabbit hole of the internet, right? We’re still on our phones, we can’t get off it, we’re addicted. And this is what dopamine does. It keeps us attached to this. So your brain waves, the activity in the brain, the hormone as well, the blue light. So there’s a lot going on with mobile phones and a lot of people are not aware of this. And the other thing with mobile phones is EMF, which is electromagnetic field, which is a toxin, it’s an invisible toxin and it’s very, very real. There’s lots of scientific studies that show EMF and it’s accumulation. We could have the WiFi on at nighttime as well as our phone signals, we could have a smart meter. All of this is accumulating. And our bodies, although our bodies are very adaptive, this technology is moving so fast, so quick that our bodies can’t keep up with it and it’s having an impact on our bodies. So there’s lots of reasons not to use your mobile phone at night as I say, don’t I could talk about that for 3 hours of a pet, hate about it.

Joe Dalton [00:32:47]:

Yeah, I think I agree with you on one thing because and I keep saying to the people, we’re analog and nature is analog and all this stuff that’s coming in digital is affecting the analog and the body and everything as well. So we need to be mindful of that and stuff you’re saying there, I can see the passion coming out as well as you’re going through. So the question I asked you at the beginning, what is there not enough of? And you said love in the world. And what I’m getting from the conversation as well, possibly there’s a lot of people that they’re not getting enough sleep because of their stress. And I’ll ask you this last question before we wrap her up as humanity. What are we going to do about it?

Johann Callaghan [00:33:35]:

Well, so we have two parts to our brain, the front brain, the conscious brain, and the amygdala, which is our emotional brain. This is where all the subconscious is as well, the reptilian brain, right. When we sleep out at nighttime. Joe this helps our brain and our mind to work together optimally, right. So that we can be at our best. We won’t feel as trend, okay? We won’t feel so distracted, we won’t feel so overwhelmed. Anxiety. When we sleep well at nighttime, we’re living from our heart and this is where the love is. If we’re not sleeping well at night and we’re sleep deprived, okay, this is going to have your amygdala, your emotional brain, it’s amplified and it’s been shown in studies by up to 60%. So therefore you’re easily triggered, right? Somebody could just say the wrong word to you and you’re off having an argument with somebody. That’s how easy it can happen. So sleep has a big impact on relationships and we need to relate to each other without feeling less than or not good enough. We need to feel whole and complete living from our heart. And we can get this, we can achieve this when we sleep well at nighttime. So it’s optimizing every single cell in our body, our brain and our body for everything to work together. Joe isn’t that great?

Joe Dalton [00:34:48]:

That’s beautiful. And I did an interview recently with someone. He says if someone is having an argument with you, hold her hand. When you’re holding someone’s hand, it’s very hard for that energy. So you’re doing something when you’re just holding the other person.

Johann Callaghan [00:35:05]:

Well, the heart meridian goes down the arm.

Joe Dalton [00:35:07]:

Yeah. So you can’t hold the shopkeeper if you’re giving out over the price or something. The man just hugged me. So that’s interesting. If someone wants to get your book, where is your book? How can they pick it up? Or if someone wants to reach out to yourself as well.

Johann Callaghan [00:35:27]:

Yeah. So my website is Joancalahan.com Johann Joncalan.com. I also bought the domain. J-O-A-N-N-E. Just in case you can get my book on howtogetnightsleep.com. It’s also my website. It’s on Amazon. It’s available in audio, ebook and paperback as well. And I do a free 15 minutes consultation discovery. Call with anybody who wants to find out more how they can work with me and how I can help them.

Joe Dalton [00:35:53]:

Definitely. And tell me this as we are in 2023, how’d you see the year? How do you see the year panning out?

Johann Callaghan [00:36:02]:

You know what? Crystal ball. Let me have a look. You know what, Joe? What I’ve realized over the last couple of years is how important phone is for me personally. And I think everybody can benefit from having bringing more phone and been more aware. Be a child. Be a child. Children are not so serious like adults are. Yes, we’ve got more responsibilities. But bring out their childlike in you every so often and have a bit of fun because it will reduce your stress, will help you sleep easier at nighttime, and you will find any problems that you’re trying to solve will come to you a lot easier because you’re allowing them to flow in. So for me, I just want to have a lot more fun, go traveling and really look after myself, do the things that I love that bring fun and joy to me personally.

Joe Dalton [00:36:56]:

Sounds beautiful. The sleep success coach. Joanne, thank you for coming on.

Johann Callaghan [00:37:03]:

It’s been great. Thanks so many. Joe sleep else might know.

Joe Dalton [00:37:06]:

I will indeed.

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